

发布时间:2024-08-22 发布来源:http://www.jnexb.com/


    Tiktok is a very fast developing short video platform nowadays. Many users publish some short videos on the platform, which can attract more fans to watch. However, in order to ensure user safety, it will be necessary to know what the local life and operation rules are. Here's a brief introduction.


    1、 Account rules


    1. Users of Tiktok must register with their real personal identity and shall not provide false information in any form.


    When registering an account, one must provide their real name, phone number, income address, and other information. If there are any changes, they should be updated in a timely manner.


    3. Only one account can be registered with one mobile phone number, and multiple accounts cannot be registered with multiple mobile phone numbers. 4. It is not allowed to use pornographic, illegal, or other words that violate social order and good customs to register accounts or upload videos. 2、 Content Rule 1: The content posted by users must comply with laws and regulations, and must not contain any pornographic, violent, political, religious, or other illegal content



    2. The content released by users on Tiktok must be works created by themselves or authorized to be used by others, and shall not violate the relevant laws of intellectual property in any form.


    3. The content posted by users shall not involve any junk information, rumor information, or information or content that may mislead other users.


    4. The video content posted by the user must comply with relevant national regulations and must not involve politically sensitive words. What Tiktok needs to do: 1


    Be responsible for the daily operation of the company's Tiktok account, and efficiently produce popular video content that the audience likes.


    2. Plan Tiktok short video content for the company's products.


    3. Be responsible for the publicity and planning of short video content on the Tiktok platform, and improve the video exposure, popularity and broadcast volume.

    4.对抖音火山等多个平台 上传短视频,并且维护等日常工作。

    4. Upload short videos to multiple platforms such as Tiktok Volcano, and carry out daily work such as maintenance.


    5. Handle the operation related matters of short video self media, monitor the video operation data of various platforms, and be able to make simple data analysis; Build up a good fan base.

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  • 客服电话:400-089-6678
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